New Opening Hours


After much deliberation, we've made the decision to make a slight alteration to our office opening hours.

From Monday, 3rd February 2020, we will be opening our phones and doors to the public from 9:30am Monday to Friday.

Closing times will remain as 5:30pm (Mon to Thu) and 5:00pm (Fri) we will continue to operate by appointment only during weekday evenings and on Saturdays.

The Living Room Updated Opening Hours

Monday | 9:30am to 17:30pm
Tuesday | 9:30am to 17:30pm
Wednesday | 9:30am to 17:30pm
Thursday | 9:30am to 17:30pm
Friday | 9:30am to 17:00pm
Saturday | 10am to 2pm*
Sunday | Closed

*Saturdays and weekday evenings by appointment only.

The main reason behind this change is customer service.

The team will still be coming into the office at 8:50am (as normal) where we'll be proactively using this time to fit in as many responses to your emails and enquiries as possible!

We've identified that, especially during our busiest periods, we sometimes struggle to get through all of our emails. As a company that prides ourselves on our customer service and personal touch, we hope that this extra 40 minutes at the start of each day will go some way towards ensuring that we can continue to deliver the kind of customer service to our landlords, tenants and applicants that we aim to achieve all year around.

Thank you very much for your cooperation and, should there be an occasion where you need to get hold of us urgently outside of our opening hours, please still phone the office as normal where you'll be routed through to our out-of-hours mobile online to leave a voicemail.

Looking for a property? Click here.
Want information about our landlord services? Click here.


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