Our Christmas and New Years Office Closure


Please be aware that - just as in prior years - our office will be closed between Christmas and New Years.

Our Christmas shut-down dates are as follows:

Closing: 5:30pm Wednesday 23rd December 2020
Reopening: 9:30am Monday 4th January 2021

However, even though the office is closed, that doesn't mean that our service stops.

If you need to get in touch with us in the event of an emergency in your home, please phone our office as normal and leave a voicemail on our out-of-hours line. We will get back to emergencies as quickly as we can, but if something is not an emergency, we kindly ask that you report it online as normal.

If you need to report maintenance, then please use our online maintenance form to report it. We have set it up so that - during the Christmas shut-down - many of the jobs reported will go directly to the relevant trade that we use for that type of job. However, we will also be checking our maintenance dashboard every few days and will be able to advise as well.

As always, we ask that if you do report maintenance, please bear with us and understand that non-emergencies may not get seen until the new year. Maintenance companies charge a premium for call-outs over the Christmas period, so if something can wait until the new year then we ask for your patience. However, we do understand that some things can't wait and we'll arrange those accordingly.

From all of us here at The Living Room, we'd like to wish you a fantastic holiday season and New Year to come. Let's hope that 2021 will be a year to remember - and a huge improvement on 2020!


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